
Uzm. Dt. Berat Metin ADAK

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist

1991 Born in Istanbul Beyoğlu
Kabataş High School for Boys 2005-2009
Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry 2009-2015
2016 DUS 211th
İzmir Katip Çelebi University Faculty of Dentistry Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery 2017-2022
English - Good Level

Implant surgery, all on x implants
Sinus lift surgeries
embedded dental surgery
Apical resection
Cyst tumor soft-hard tissue surgery
Botox applications
1. Symposium on Treatment Approaches in Cleft Lip and Palate, 19 June 2017, İzmir Katip Çelebi University- Marmara University, İzmir Katip Çelebi
University, Izmir, Turkey
2. 4th Young EDAD Symposium, 9-10 March, 2018, İzmir, Turkey
3. TAOMS 2018 25th International Scientific Congress, 13-17 May, Cyprus
  “The use of piezosurgery in autogenous bone augmentation course”   “The use of microsaw in autogenous bone augmentation course”   PS-91 Immediate Implantation and Immediate Loading in the Anterior Region: Case Report.  Closure of SS-30 Oroantral Fistula with Buccal Fat Pad Flap: Case Report
4. 42nd Annual Conference of the European Prosthodontic Association, Madrid13th- 15th September 2018
 Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Patient with Mandibular Defect Caused by Trauma. 42nd Annual Conference of the European Prosthodontic Association, Madrid13th-15th September 2018
5. 7th International Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology Symposium, Diyarbakır, 2-4 November 2018
 Treatment of PS-10 Deprimed Primary Teeth with Immediate Implantation and Loading After Extraction. 7.International Turkish Society of Prosthodontics and Implantology
Symposium, Diyarbakir, 2-4 November 2018
 PS-43 Amelogenesis Imperfecta, A Case Report. 7. International Turkish
Prosthodontics and Implantology Association Symposium, Diyarbakır, 2-4 November20186. Izmir Chamber of dentists 25th international scientific congress and Expodental, November, 10-12, 2018, Izmir, Turkey  P-45 Surgical Treatment of Radicular Cyst Caused by Unnoticed Root Fracture

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